While developing my LastFM StreamDeck Plugin, I had a few other ideas come to mind that I'd love to use and see on the marketplace.

Unfortunately I've had other commitments and haven't had time to pick them up as I'd perhaps hoped - so I've written this up in hopes that perhaps somebody may come across this looking for a StreamDeck plugin idea.

Should you take any of these ideas on, please let me know so I can try them out and if you need any help - give me a shout!

Last.fm StreamDeck Integration

I needed a solution and this now exists!

Now Playing (natively on MacOS and Windows)

Although my solution works, it feels unnecessary to make this many calls to Last.fm API to display data which is already readily available on MacOS and Windows.

Another solution is to use the Spotify plugin, but this is not at all user-friendly to set-up.

I'm not versed enough in desktop integration to do this, but I hope somebody takes the initiative to make it happen.

TFL London Underground and National Rail Departures

Inspired by UK Departure Boards, it would be awesome to have this functionality on the StreamDeck.

Personally I see this as 2 separate plugins, or at least custom icons for the TFL services with the colours of the line.

Perhaps could even hook up to the TFL API and retrieve the users Oyster balance!

One More Thing...

I did wonder whether it would be possible to link two StreamDecks together using more or less the same codebase.

There are some great use cases of StreamDeck games already, but I think this would open up a limitless and open the StreamDeck up to being a multiplayer gaming device with possibilities of creating Trivial Pursuit, Guess Who, Battleships and much more... I'd love to see this happen!